
“Fundamentals are the foundation of excellence. Without a strong base, you cannot reach your full potential.” – John Wooden

Hey there!

Let’s talk fundamentals today. Why are they important? John Wooden’s quote sums it up nicely, but let’s unpack it a bit more:

  1. Strong foundation:

    • A solid grasp of fundamental concepts provides a strong foundation for building advanced skills. Just like a house needs a sturdy base, your knowledge in software engineering needs a solid groundwork. It may sound cliché, but it’s still true.

    • Continuous learning: fundamentals serve as a launchpad for continuous learning. Once you have a solid base, you can explore more advanced topics and specializations, keeping your skills sharp and relevant.

  2. Confidence: mastering the fundamentals boosts your confidence.  Remember, competence breeds confidence.

  3. Shelf-life: technology evolves at a breakneck pace. Remember when new JavaScript frameworks seemed to pop up before your morning coffee? Or just look at how quickly the AI space is advancing these days. While frameworks come and go, fundamentals like data structures, algorithms, math, software design, OS internals, and soft skills have enduring value. Investing in these fundamentals offers a much better return on investment compared to the often fleeting value of the latest frameworks.

Understanding the fundamentals is essential for software engineers at all levels; they’re not just for beginners.

Which specific fundamentals are important for software engineers?

Well, everyone loves a good list, so here you go - an opinionated list of essential fundamentals for software engineers at all levels, from entry-level to senior IC, staff, and beyond:

  1. Programming languages: this one’s super obvious. The main question is which languages? Python, JavaScript, Go, and some C are the usual suspects. Bonus points if you dive into how interpreters and compilers work.

  2. Software design and architecture

  3. Data structures and algorithms (DSA)

  4. Operating systems: this also includes basic computer architecture and networking.

  5. Databases: design and internals

  6. Distributed systems: nowadays, systems run on multiple machines and instances, so understanding the basics of distributed systems is important.

  7. Math: this might be controversial, but it can also be the secret sauce, especially statistics and math for AI.

  8. Soft skills: fundamental to any engineer’s career unless you’re living in a cave alone. The truth is, soft skills are actually hard to master.

Consider this a teaser! I’ll be doing deep dives into these fundamentals in upcoming posts, along with other key essentials for software engineers.


In today’s spotlight: “The Pragmatic Programmer: Your Journey to Mastery

Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas offer a wealth of practical advice, timeless tips, and real-world examples. Every software engineer needs “The Pragmatic Programmer” on their shelf. Now in its second (20th anniversary) edition, this book is a must-read. I fondly remember the original edition titled “From Journeyman to Master.” My copy is well-worn from many reads - truly good books are worth revisiting.

Sneak Peak

In the next post, I’ll talk about essential fundamentals for engineering managers.

Stay curious,


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